Çeviker, G., & İplikçi, A. B. (2024). Improving psychological wellbeing outlook with online mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study of synchronous intervention. Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi. doi: 10.57127/kpd.26024438.1495450
Özdemir, F., & Çeviker, G. (2021). COVID-19 pandemisinde kişisel özellikler, sosyal bağlar ve medya kullanımıyla ilişkili psikolojik huzursuzluk ve anlam bulma [Psychological distress and finding meaning in relation to personal characteristics, social ties, and media use in the COVID-19 pandemic]. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar [Current Approaches in Psychiatry], 13(Suppl 1), 59-72. doi: 10.18863/pgy.898090
Özdemir, F., İplikçi, A. B., & Çeviker, G. (2022). Problems and solutions in the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study toward the perspectives of women living in Turkey. Nesne, 9(22), 787-798. doi:10.7816/nesne-09-22-03.
Ceviker, G. (2024). Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapies. In S. Bastemur and M. A. Kursuncu (Ed.) Current Approaches in Psychological Counseling (pp. 291-312). Nobel Academic Publishing (Expected date of publication is October 2024).
Ceviker, G. (2023). Play Therapy: Current Approaches and Applications. In S. Bastemur and M. A. Kursuncu (Ed.) Current Approaches in Psychological Counseling (pp. 145-166). Nobel Academic Publishing (Expected date of publication is October 2024).
Sercekman, M. Y. & Ceviker, G. (2024). The Brave New World of the Neoliberal Market: Mindfulness as a VIP Product (or Not)? In Yalkin C. and Özbilgin, M. F. (Ed) Care and Compassion in Capitalism (International Perspectives on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, Vol.10) (pp.75-93). Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds. doi:10.1108/S2051-233320240000010006
Çeviker, G. (2022). Factors Affecting Psychological Counseling Process with Children. In M. A. Gördesli & D. B. Ornek (Ed.) Counseling and psychotherapy with children: common problems and interventions (pp. 27-44). Nobel Academic Publishing.
Ülgen Kurtul, P., Çeviker, G., Durmuş, D. C., Türe, D., & Köse, B. (2022). Psychotherapy with minority groups: Romani people in Turkey. In D. Canel Çınarbaş (Ed.) Cultural issues in Psychotherapy: minority and cultural groups in Turkey (pp. 77-90). Nobel Academic Publishing
Çeviker, G. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. In N. B. Baykal (Ed.) Current approaches in psychotherapy (pp. 213-243). Nobel Academic Publishing.
Çeviker, G. (2022). Mindful Parenting. In M. B. Bulut (Ed.). Selected topics in subfields of psychology (pp. 227-244). Nobel Academic Publishing.
Çeviker, G. (2017). Lifespan Development. In F. S. Ünlü (Ed.) Introduction to psychology (pp. 115-145). Anadolu University Press.
Oral presentations
Çeviker, G., Özdemir, F., & İplikçi, B. (2023, July). The Effect of Online MBSR and MBCT on Psychological Wellbeing. 18th European Congress of Psychology, Brighton, UK.
Çeviker, G., Kara, H. N., Hacıoğlu, N., Akdeniz, N., İplikçi, A. B., & Özdemir, F. (2021, July). A qualitative journey into the world of thoughts and feelings after the COVID-19 pandemic. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Çeviker, G., Çetin, K. N., Canpolat, An., İplikçi, B., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2021, July). Emotional residue after Covid-19 Pandemic: The link between early maladaptive schemas and emotional memory. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Özdemir, F., İmamoğlu, E. O., İmamoğlu-Tezcan, S., Çeviker, G., & İplikçi, B. (2021, July). Balanced self- construal and well-being: Roles of motivational and affective variables. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Özdemir, F., İmamoğlu, E. O., İmamoğlu-Tezcan, S., & Çeviker, G. (2019, July). Associations of search for and presence of meaning in life with well-being-related orientations. 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
Sahin, B., Ceviker, G., & Ceylan, S. (2013). Social Media as a Source in Constructing Collective Memories: US College Students’ Memories on Contemporary Events, Their Social Media Related Habits and Characteristics. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris/France, 2014.
Poster Presentations
Ceylan, S., Çeviker, G., Ertekin, Z., Taşfiliz, D., & Kazak-Berument, S. (2015). Comparing Cognitive Development of Children Residing in Institutions, Group Homes, Care Villages and Foster Care in Turkey, SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia /The USA, 2015.
Şahin-Acar, B., Türe, D., Aran, Ö., Alsancak, C., Çeviker, G., & Ünal, G. (2015). Positive and Negative Affect In Video-Recorded Mother-Child Conversations, SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia /The USA, 2015.
Bayram-Gulactı, H., Kazak-Berument, S., Ertekin, Z. , & Ceviker, G. (2016). Differences in Elicited Imitation Among Children: Comparison between types of child care and temperament as a regulatory factor, 19th National Psychology Congress, İzmir/Turkey, 2016.
Ceviker, G., Celik, H., Guler, B., Piyale Z. E., Capan, D., & Akcesme, D. (2009). The Effects of Socio-Economic Status on the Life Expectations of Young Adults between the Ages of 18-25, 14th National Psychology Students Congress, İstanbul/Turkey, 2009.